Design Team Call
for a brand new community for
Paper Craft Challenges.
Created With Love Challenges
Created with Love Challenges is a brand new community found HERE. Weekly challenges with a daily challenges the fourth week of the month.
As a design team member...
- You will serve a 6 month term
- Need to have a blog in which to post projects and help promote CWLC
- Need to complete 4 projects a month
- Post your projects to the Created with Love Challenges Community
- Comment on projects entered
- Receive free images when we have sponsor challenges
Never been on a design team before? We welcome you as part of our Junior Design Team. This way you get the experience needed and we get to know you.
- You will serve a 1 month term
- Need to have a blog in which to post projects and help promote CWLC
- Need to complete 3 projects a month
- Post your projects to the Created with Love Challenges Community
- Comment on projects entered
- Receive free images when we have sponsor challenges
As a Jr DT Member, as we get to know you, we may promoted you to Design Team if we feel you have the understanding of how a DT works.
Please Email Us at: with anymore questions or to submit your resume!
Dawn Dawley
Lisa Overstreet
Chris Hanselman
Looks like things are rolling along! That's awesome for you guys!! Now the fun part - choosing your DT!